Prideinpurity Workshop… The primary goal of the workshop is to introduce the purity program in its entirety to schools, churches, and organizations that are interested in consolidating God’s principals concerning purity into their curriculum or programs.
The two day workshop will host two groups, those who want to teach purity classes, and those who would like to host purity classes from their homes or organizations. The workshop will be conducted in the format of a purity class, so attendees will get the full experience from the student’s perspective!
Seminar Date: April 7-8, 2017
Seminar Location: Calvary Chapel Boulder City, Fellowship Hall 1000 Nevada Why, 89005
Seminar Time: Friday evening, 6:00pm to 8:00pm & Saturday morning, 8:00am to 1:00pm
Seminar Fee: $40 includes: Teacher’s guide, study book, certificate, snacks, & lunch.
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