Purity Prayercloset

Purity Prayercloset

Welcome to the Prideinpurity Prayer Closet. This is a place where you can quiet yourself and be at peace with our Heavenly Father. Youcan make your petitions known to Him and He in turn will answer. He is ready to speak; when you’re ready to listen. Annotate your prayers under each category. The Father knows your prayers before you ask them; so please do not go into great detail and do not use last names. Please ‘message’ your prayers via prideinpurity face book… http://www.facebook.com/#!/pride.inpurity


Everyone who enters this site will collectively be in prayer ‘for’ you and ‘with’ you; in Jesus’ name.

 On His Behalf,     -denise

“You have been set apart by Him to bring light into darkness by your prayers,

by the sacrifice of your life, and by your total obedience to Him.  You have a Holy purpose.”

Salvation… I have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee, and I will clothe thee with change of raiment… and others, save with fear pulling them out of the fire…

Co-workers, Marcus, Joe, Rob, Gil, Peter, Renee, Elizabeth, Edward, Judy…Urgent prayer: Steve and his wife dixie were in a head-on collision tonight. My uncle steve has a broken neck, possibly more injuries as well. Dixie was life-flighted to Columbus, OH. That is the last I heard. Please pray for their salvation first, and health second. I have no idea about the other car, if that is what they hit… Vonda

Family/ Health… But seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you…

  • Guilian’s complete healing in his brain…
  • Kathy has cancer…
  • Joseph health and healing… Father we ask for a special touch today in your name!
  • Pray for Sandy’s health… urgent care…
  • Prayer for the Mayan families in Belize who are living in poverty…
  • Please pray for aborting mom’s to make the right decision for their beautiful babies…
  • Trudy radiation treatment may the Lord give her peace and comfort…
  • Kay’s family needs prayer for God’s guidance, comfort and direction…
  • Pastor Saeed’s release from prison in Iran… Prayer for God’s comfort and peace for his family…
  • Provisions for Mark and his son this summer, may their time of bonding be blessed…Prov. 30:8
  • Prayer for Christian’s health…
  • Prayer for Ian’s health…
  • Jacqui has cancer please keep her and her family in prayer
  • Matt has cancer, pray for the healing touch of God…
  • Mikes surgery, no complications…
  • Bex De’s heath…
  • Robert’s operation and recovery
  • Continue to pray for our service men and women overseas and those persecuted for Christ sake!

Pastors… A stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers…

  • To know and understand the state of his flock… Prov. 27:23-24
  • Opportunity and temptation never meet… Luke 4:13
  • 2015 vision for the CCBC

America/ World… If my people will turn from their wicked ways and follow Me then I will heal their land…

  • Pray for our military men and women and their families
  • Pray for President Obama and our government Leadership…
  • Pray for  City, State and Country Officials…
  • Start praying now for the upcoming 2012 Elections…
  • May Christians display their love for Christ to the world…
  • Pray for our country’s economy…
  • Prayer for Israel…
  • Doors open world-wide to Prideinpurity International Ministries…
  • RefresHER Girl’s Conference… Lives saved and healed…
  • Prideinpurity’s upcoming book signings…
  • Syrian conflict…
  • Ebola Crisis

*Neighborhood challenge… Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself…

  • Pray for favor in our neighborhoods, to make an effort to show the love of Christ… Look around; see who needs help; who you can bless… Let this be between you and the Lord… Prov. 27:2 

Finances…For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end…

  • An obedient body…Blessings await (Mal 3:10)
  • Pray that those with a need will let it be known…
  • Christians, becoming debt free and experience the peace of God…
  • During this time of rising prices on food and gasoline, may we look to God for solutions! May we avail ourselves to Him as our Provider… 
  • Sponsors for the prideinpurity movement to offer free classes to girls that cannot afford to attend…

Marriages… and they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed…

  • Healing and repentance in divorced families…
  • That God would breathe on marriages that are struggling, and continue to bless those that are obedient to the call of oneness…
  • Healing and strengthen Marriages…
  • Thanking the Lord for Anna and Darius (newly weds), may He always be the center and focus of their marriage…

Youth…Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not on thine own understanding…

  • Stay faithful and true to God, striving only to walk the narrow path!
  • Display wisdom when around worldly youth, be the example for them to follow…
  • That the youngest of our children come to know the Lord at an early age…
  • Prayer for our young people who have challenges in this world, which seem insurmountable!
  • Pray for all Christian Youth in college, may they be protected from false doctrine…
  • Purity classes for all women young and older…
  • Be faithful and true to the work of God when on mission trips…
  • Daily read the Word of God and memorize scripture…
  • Pray the Youth will obtain, maintain, and evangelize the Word of God..
  • Children back to school; pray for biblical program to be put into schools…
  • The Las Vegas Ignite Life community, Las Vegas Police Department, Hope For Prisoners, teachers, and neighbors will all gather tomorrow, Saturday Sept 8th at 8:00am (PST) to walk the campus and streets surrounding Mack Middle School…
  • Silveringthing coming to CCGV…A great Youth turnout!
  • Youth gathering in Las Vegas from every nation and tongue on behalf of Jesus…

The Body… Neither will I offer burnt offerings unto the Lord my God of that which doth cost me nothing…

  • Unity in the body, knowing we are accountable to God…
  • New Believers to be grounded and rooted in the Word…
  • Singles to be mindful of their relationship with Jesus…
  • Fellowship (Koinonia)…
  • Flooding at Hope Church, they need our help and prayer…

Worship… Give unto to the Lord the Glory due unto His name… His praise shall continually be in my mouth…

  • Monthly congregational Fasting and Prayer…
  • Meaningful worship…
  • Men and Women’s Bible Studies…
  • The hearts of congregations focused on Christ… 

Mission Field… Come unto Me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest…

  • Belize Purity Mission Trips…
  • YWAM Missionaries…
  • Women’s Resource Medical Centers of Southern Nevada…
  • Calvary Chapel Cayo Belize… 
  • November 2012, Prideinpurity Mission Trip to Belize…
  • Purity Classes….
  • March 2014, Hawaii Purity Mission Trip…
  • July 2014, Prideinpurity Mission Trip to Belize (San Pedro)…
  • Pray for safe travels for Deana as she attends the (Once in a lifetime) retreat and for a fruitful time…

Praise Report… Praise to the Lord God, the God of Israel who does wondrous things.

  • Thank you Lord for answered prayer…
  • Praising the Lord for New Believers… May they grow to be grounded and rooted in the Word…
  • Thank you Father, for the approval of the Non-profit status… 
  • Thanking the Lord for His faithfulness… 
  • Julianna’s recovery from cancer… Thank you Lord!
  • Five month old baby boy is in heaven; the Lord is faithful to the helpless!
  • Thank you Lord that your work is being carried out in Hawaii. Please continue to strengthen the hands and give favor to your servants there!
  • Thank you Lord that Gra’pa Dick is home now recuperating… 
  • Praise you Lord… Mr. MacFawn has been found in a hospital… the family thanks you for your prayers, but more are needed…
    Father, thank you that you hear prayers. We pray for Mr. MacFawn, that while he is at the end of himself, he would come and reason with You. We look forward to hearing a good report; for this is why Your Son came to save that which was lost! In Jesus name we pray; amen.
  • Great favor with Town Square allowing us to use the sound system for 6 minuets during the  flashmob..
  • Pastor John Michael went home to be with the Lord.
  • Grandpa Dick is out of the hospital and doing well.
  • Juliana is out of the hospital and is cancer free!
  • Vicki is doing well and diagnose as cancer free! 
  • Praise is rising… My Brother in Christ is healed completely from Cancer… Thank you Lord!
  • Pastor Chuck Smith has went home to be with our Lord!
  • Praising the Lord for the people of India that they weathered the storm. Please continue to pray for the lost soul’s families and the now homeless
  • Praising the Lord for the many souls that gave their lives to Him on Resurrection Day!
  • Leah had her last radiation treatment!
  • Huston ordinance on Pastors was recanted.
  • Happy New Year!