“Society of Military Widows”

On Jan 17th, I spoke to the “Society of Military Widows.” At the conclusion of my talk, the President, Ms. Janet Snyder, embraced the Prideinpurity ministry, but to my surprise, she presented me with a gift (a print of the Western Wall in Jerusalem) and then proclaimed me as an “Honorary Member” of the Society of Military Widows, Chapter #34; I was amazed, humbled, and honored.

Ms. Snyder and SMW women around the nation, work unceasingly with the legislative branches of our government, ensuring retired military members and military widows are not forgotten, and that promised benefits remain secure.

On behalf of their brave husbands who served our country honorably, and the current retired service men and women, I am truly honored to lock-arms with these “modern-day heroines.” They deserve our attention, prayers, and support when needed.

Thank you local SMW Chapter#34, I salute you!

Please take a few moments to check out their website.http://www.militarywidows.org/