Prideinpurity hosted a bus trip to the Historic Nevada Test Site. A wonderful time was had by all. The first picture is at the Atomic Testig Museum before heading out to the Test Site. The second picture is at the the Nevada Test Site’s Sedan Crater, an amazing highlight of the trip and the only place where we could take a photo! And the last picture is of the Southern Nevada Society of Military Widows, Chapter #34. Much Thanks to Ernie, our very informative Tour Guide who is 84 years old and worked at the site for much of the nuclear testing! And a big shout out to Jerri, the Bus Driver for getting us there and back safely. For more information click on the link below, to view the video that shows how this 1800ft across, 300ft deep and 1200ft in diameter crater was created! http://www.bing.com/videos/search…

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2015 Test Site Tour


2013 Harvest At Home

2013 Harvest At Home

This event is “Free” to the public. The cost to vendors is only $50 for a card table and $75 for a 6ft table. We have some very unique vendors this year!
~This is a Prideinpurity fundraiser and all proceeds will go to that end.


1.) To be a vendor at this event you must reserve your card table for only $50.00. (annotate “Harvest”)
2.) Make your secure Paypal payment at https://prideinpurity.com/?page_id=55
3.) Return the information below to [email protected]
…Vendor’s name, product name, phone number and email address

Speaking engagement in Belize!

Speaking engagement in Belize!


Return Trip

Return Trip

  We’re back!!! The team and I had an awesome mission trip in Belize. We are now ready to share our experience with you. So, hold on to your  hats and get ready to enter the Belize Mission Field via the Rain Forest! 

Stepping into the hot humid air of Belize City we were met with hugs and kisses from our hosts Pastor Patrick, his family and the Cyphers; Mike, Amanda and their son Colin. They all had a hand in preparing us, walking us through all the fine details. And we as a team, prayed and planned; but it was God who would direct our steps! So, before our first step, there right before our eyes was “The Bus”. If it could talk it would tell how it has and is being used for God’s purposes, just as the donkey carried our Lord “The bus” was provided for us and countless others every day!


In preparation for the trip, the team held bake sales, garage sales, and Zumba classes for “fun”raisiers. We also received donations from many sponsors (whom we appreciate very much). Packing donations for the trip filled our hearts to overflowing, knowing these gifts would bring smiles to the faces of the Calvary Chapel Cayo’s congregation and the town of San Ignacio!

So the mission begins… Late to bed and an early to rise the second morning… Half of the team went to the church to help complete the roof with Pastor Patrick. The building was almost complete and had been previously worked on by the host missionaries, the congregation, and help from a few men in the village…




The other half of the team was across town with Denise.  Denise and Michelle taught the two day classes, and three of the purity girls along with Gra’ma Carol, watched the little ones.

  And of course, as with all mission teams, this team was no different; we enjoyed the sights and sounds of Central Belize.





The team left many blessings with the people of Belize, but was abuntantly more blessed by our hosts, the people of Calvary Chapel Cayo and  fellow missionaries we met…  We so look forward to our return visit in July, to continue the work that God began, in us! May He always receive the glory, the honor and Praise...




Purity Mission Trip to Belize

Purity Mission Trip to Belize

Big news! Some of the young women who are graduates of the Prideinpurity classes are participating in a Calvary Chapel Boulder City/ Prideinpurity Mission Trip. We will be sent out to the Cayo District in Belize, from 29 March to 4 April… The team consist of five girls and five adults!  We would love your support spiritually and financially; please make every effort to participant in either way, both are much needed!!!

I thank the Lord that He will go before us and pray that we will not lag behind but keep up with His pace; with much joy and excitement!

May God bless you for your prayers and support in advance!

On His behalf,
